“UN Day at Nagoya University: Achieving Well-being for All beyond 2015” (October 21, 2014)
UN Day marks the anniversary of the entry into force in 1945 of the United Nations Charter. On October 21, 2014, the Graduate School of International Development (GSID) and the Women Leaders Program to Promote Well-being, Nagoya University, organized an event titled “UN Day at Nagoya University: Achieving Well-Being for All beyond 2015.” This event was held at Nagoya University because the General Secretariat of Academic Consortium 21 (AC21), one of the partners of the United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI), is based at the University. Nagoya University students played a major role in planning, preparing, and organizing this event. Many students, with diverse nationalities and from diverse fields of study, formed the Organizing Committee. The committee hoped to make this event a place to discuss ways to achieve well-being for all in the world, with students from various disciplines across campus and even from other universities, and the public. With more than 240 participants in total, the event was a great success!
Highlight #1: Opening Session and Keynote Lecture
To open the event, Dr. Michinari Hamaguchi (President, Nagoya University) gave a welcome address, which was impressive as he said, while pointing the audience, “YOU are the ones who make the future!” Following the opening address by Dr. Sanae Ito (Professor and Dean, Graduate School of International Development), Mr. Junichi Hirata (Deputy Director, International Affairs Division, Minister’s Secretariat, the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology), our honorary guest, made a guest address. Dr. Aya Okada (Professor, Graduate School of International Development) introduced the “Women Leaders Program to Promote Well-being in Asia.” Dr. Ayako Ido (Associate Professor, Nagoya University, and Project Coordinator, Academic Consortium 21 (AC21) General Secretariat) moderated the whole event.
The Keynote Lecture titled “Gender equality is your issue too” by Ms. Kaoru Nemoto (Director, the United Nations Information Centre (UNIC Tokyo)) was also remarkable, especially as she talked about the state of gender inequality based on her own experience. She also introduced various UN initiatives such as HeForShe promoted by the UN Women and explained how the UN works to achieve gender equality.
Keynote Lecture by Ms. Kaoru Nemoto
Highlight #2: Sessions Organized by Students
Two sessions were planned and prepared by students: “International Opinion Poll Session” and “Debate Session.” In the “International Opinion Poll Session,” 18 students from 18 countries across the globe answered four yes/no questions concerning gender issues. This session showcased one of the unique features of Nagoya University—diversity—and at the same time, the responses vividly illuminated the long way ahead for achieving gender equality in the world.
“Debate Session” is another student-led session. The original idea of this session came from students and they decided the topic, collected data, and organized the session. To debate on the question “should we set quota to achieve gender equality?” students were divided into two groups (proposition and opposition) and shaped their arguments. It was so exciting that the speakers were sometimes interrupted by applause from the audience.
Highlight #3: Panel Discussion
With four distinguished panelists, Ms. Mehr Khan Williams (Former Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations), Ms. Junko Sazaki (Director, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Tokyo Office), Dr. Mbuli Charles Boliko (Director, FAO Liaison Office in Japan), and Ms. Chikako Takase (Director, United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD)), a panel discussion was held on the topic “Achieving Well-being for All beyond 2015.” The panelists presented the latest trends in the situations concerning well-being across countries, current challenges, and their organizations’ activities to achieve well-being.
Following the panel discussion, Dr. Yoshihito Watanabe (Trustee (International Affairs) and Vice President, Nagoya University, and Director, AC21 General Secretariat) concluded the event by congratulating the success in “UN Day at Nagoya University” as well as addressing the important roles the UN shall play to promote well-being of everyone in the world.
Highlight #4: Cross-Cultural Performance Show
Just after the UN Day Event, we had a Cross-Cultural Performance Show, where Nagoya University students from Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, and Indonesia performed A Cappella, traditional dance, and traditional music, in their traditional costume. The performers impressed the whole ES Hall with their artistic talents! It reflects the respect of multicultural values, one of the principles of Nagoya University.
Performance by Indonesian students
Joint Outreach Mission
Following the Cross-Cultural Performance Show, Joint Outreach Mission was organized by the UN Secretariat and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan. Addressing to more than 200 participants, representatives from the UN Secretariat, UNESCO, UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA, and OECD made presentations on various activities carried out by their organizations and job opportunities, generating participants’ keen interest in working for international organizations in future.