
2019 UNAI Activity Report

(2019 UNAI Activity Report)


The report includes information concerning Academic Impact activities undertaken in the Japanese fiscal year of 2019 (April 2019 – March 2020).

The activities undertaken in response to the Academic Impact Principles are as follows:

Principle 6:     Encouraging global citizenship through education

Principle 10:   Promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, and the

                           unlearning” of intolerance, through education

(1) Events for Understanding Intercultural Exchange

(2) Workshop on Intercultural Understanding: January 15th, 2020

(3) International Volunteer Project: “Mizubora”

(4) Study Abroad Program at Ohio University

Principle 6 :  Encouraging global citizenship through education

Principle 8:   Addressing issues of poverty through education

(1) Learning program to solve social issues by utilizing overseas studies for the well-being of local children and families

(2) Fieldwork in Christchurch, New Zealand

(3) The Children’s Cafeteria “Kiwi Cafeteria” in Iwate Prefecture: Holding inclusive support events for children with various difficulties

(4) Publication of learning program results and practical activities

(5) Student’s evaluation of their learning

Principle   9   Promoting sustainability through education

(1) Discussions about SDGs at The University of Indonesia  and Iwate Prefectural University (November 6th, 2019)

(2) SDGs Action Awards 2020 (February 15th, 2020)

(3) Awareness-raising and the promotion of activities for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)