The United Nations Academic Impact Report on Activities 2021
In May 2019, our university joined the United Nations Academic Impact (hereinafter, UNAI). UNAI is a global initiative to pursue social contributions of universities with an aim to align the activities of institutions of higher education around the world with the United Nations.
Since our university conducts various education and research as well as community contributions related to the UNAI, we participate in 4 of 10 Principles of the UNAI.
Four Academic Impact Principles
- Principle 6: A commitment to encouraging global citizenship through education
- Principle 8: A commitment to addressing issues of poverty through education
- Principle 9: A commitment to promoting sustainability through education
- Principle 10: A commitment to promoting inter-cultural dialogue and understanding, and the unlearning of intolerance, through education
These four principles are in line with the founding principles of our university.
Founding Sprit of Iwate Prefectural University
In hopes of creating a new era of harmony among humankind, nature and science, we provide an education that fosters independence, knowledge and highly specialized skills which contribute to the enrichment of humanity and society.
The basic directions of Iwate Prefectural University
- The promotion of compassion and cultivation of a spirit that respects humanity
- Distinctive education and research focusing on interdisciplinary fields
- Practical education and research
- Contribution to the local community
- Contribution to the international community
Activity Report (2021) Table of Contents
- Social Skills Training for Young People
- Reproductive Health (Sexual and Reproductive Health) Care for Adolescent Girls in Children’s Homes in Iwate Prefecture
- Workshops on Care for Children with Special Needs and Their Families
- Multifaceted Management and Utilization of Rivers through Visualization and 3D Modeling
- Regional Social Theory Seminar: Collaboration with the “Let’s Connect with ‘Kumo wo Tsumugu’ Project” -Hospitality with Well Water and Homespun-
- Promoting Intercultural Understanding in the Rea ding Marathon Room – Understanding Other Cultures Through People & Understanding People Though Books –
- Understanding International Cultures Seminars I/II Korean Language Online Training
- Initiative to Promote Cross-Cultural Understanding in Miyako Junior College
- The Second Hand Ticks Again in the Hearts of Affected People: -Introducing activities of the Student Red Cross Volunteer Corps of Iwate Prefectural University Miyako –
- Holding of LINKtopos2021 – Public University Student Network / LINKtopos2021 in IWATE –
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