
【University-High School Collaboration】International exchange class with international students held at Osaka Prefectural Hakuta High School

On Monday, June 17, 2024, an international exchange class was held at Osaka Prefectural Hakuta High School (located in Izumi City, Osaka Prefecture) as part of the third-year “Life and Economics” series course for about 20 students who chose the International Contribution Course. Students from Sri Lanka, Indonesia, Vietnam, China, Hong Kong (China), and Mongolia participated, introducing their home countries and discussing Japan’s image from a global perspective while interacting with high school students.

Ruhagujab Bilegtjargal (2nd-year student from Mongolia, Faculty of Tourism Study), who participated in the exchange class, said, “Japanese anime is hugely popular worldwide, and anime pilgrimage has become a trend in tourism.” Chan Phan The Hang (1st-year student from Vietnam, Faculty of Tourism Study) remarked, “It was my first time interacting with Japanese high school students, and I learned that South Osaka has unique cultures like the Danjiri festival.”

Translated by: Zili Xue, Office of Center for Tourism Research & Education (CTRE)