
Article by Faculty of Tourism’s Specially Appointed Professor Kenkichi Ono Published in Overseas Government Public Relations

An article written by Professor Kenkichi Ono, a Specially Appointed Professor in the Faculty of Tourism at our university, has been published in the overseas government publication “HIGHLIGHTING JAPAN,” August 2024 issue (Vol. 195), on pages 28-29, in the section “DISCOVERING JAPAN THROUGH THE EYES OF JAPANESE INFLUENCERS.”

Professor Ono specializes in the preservation and utilization of cultural heritage and the history of gardens. In this article, he introduces traditional gardens from various periods across Japan, focusing on gardens in Nara, Hiraizumi, and Fukui.

Government Public Relations Online “HIGHLIGHTING JAPAN,” August 2024 issue (Vol. 195), pages 28-29
Link to the article

Faculty of Tourism, Professor Kenkichi Ono

Professor Ono’s articles will also be featured in the upcoming September and October 2024 issues of “HIGHLIGHTING JAPAN,” in the same section, where he will introduce “Traditional Japanese Townscapes” and “The Saigoku Kannon Pilgrimage.”

Translated and edited by: Zili Xue, Office of Center for Tourism Research & Education (CTRE)