SDGs Talk Seminar Event was Held (2020.2.3)2020年2月25日
On Monday, 2020 February 3, Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) held a SDGs talk seminar event...
– Science HAKKO×SDGs fermentations – Nagaoka Bioeconomy Symposium was held. (2020.1.17)2020年2月25日
On Friday, January 17, the Nagaoka Bioeconomy Symposium on HAKKO×SDGs Fermentation was held...
GTP-Hanoi Alliance Meeting and Alumni reunion were held (2020.1.10)2020年2月14日
On Friday, January 10, GTP-Hanoi Alliance Meeting hosted by NUT and Hanoi University of Science a...
The 4th STI-Gigaku 2019 was held (2019.11.8-9)2020年2月14日
On November 8 and 9, NUT held the 4th International Conference on “Science of Technology In...
Award Ceremony for Extensive Reading and Listening Marathon was held (2019.12.12)2020年1月8日
In the English language learning program called “Extensive Reading and Listening Marathon&r...
Recent Articles
9th STI-Gigaku 2024 was held -
Student SDGs Promoters Exhibit SDGs Booth at “Eco Action in Mitsuke 2024” -
“p4c (philosophy for children) on the SDGs” event held with Student SDGs Promoters and children -
“Beach Cleanup × Learning” event held with Student SDGs Promoters -
The HCMUT-NUT Office provided support for the industry-academia human resource development exchange meeting