NUT participated “Wakuwaku Dokidoki Science Workshop in Nagashima 2019” with SDGs and Energy themed exhibition
July 27 (Sat) – 28 (Sun), 2019, Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) exhibited at “Wakuwaku Dokidoki Science workshop in Nagashima” in Nagashima, Kagoshima, JAPAN in association with: NIT(National Institute of Technology), Kumamoto College; NIT, Miyakonojo College; and NIT, Kagoshima College. Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and energy were the two main theme in our science exhibition.
This event was held aiming to give opportunities for Nagashima town’s children to experience and discover science. A total of 330 people including children and community visited to the site. NUT planned and projected own exhibition with the theme of SDGs and energy aiming to expose children to science and give them opportunities to feel the joy of discovering science in all its new aspects.
NUT exhibited the total of 8 booths: “Let’s produce bioethanol ~ Let’s generate energy from bacteria ~”; “Juice goes clear?! ~ Let’s remove water particles from water/ energy saving ~ supported by TORAY”; “Let’s try power generation floor ~ generating energy by stepping ~”; “Let’s build trussed bridge ~ Absorbing energy ~”; “Why tsunami happens? ~ Earthquake energy ~”; “SDGs dice ~ Relationship between SDGs and energy~”; “Let’s make paper microscope and observe ~ microorganism and energy ~”; and “Let’s generate and use electric energy ~ electric energy ~”.
Through the exhibitions, team members had interaction and deepened engagement with Nagashima town’s children. Also, the children learned about SDGs, especially energy, through the exhibited experiment and interaction.
Shoji IKEDA (3rd year, Department of Science of Technology Innovation)
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