NUT students presented in English on the topic of SDGs in a class
Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT) students presented in English on the topic of SDGs at the “General English 1,” a class held by Associate Professor Fujii Kazuma, Department of General Education.
Specifically, students selected one of the following themes, presented in English for about 5 minutes in a group of 2 or 3 people, and answered questions in English.
(1) Choose one or two Sustainable Development Goals and talk about what concrete actions you are going to take on a daily basis to resolve the goal(s).
(2) Choose one or two Sustainable Development Goals and talk about your concrete plans on how you want to utilize your engineering knowledge to resolve the goal(s).
Associate Professor Fujii’s “General English 1” aims to enable third-year students to write logically about 500 words of English and present them in five minutes while cooperating with the group to relate interesting topics to social issues such as SDGs.
NUT is implementing the GIGAKU SDG Institute certified as UNESCO Chairs Programme throughout the university. We actively integrate SDGs into our educational programs in not only specialized engineering subjects but also compulsory liberal arts subjects, and will continue the same efforts into the future.
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