Curriculum Policy of Faculty of Tourism, Osaka University of Tourism
Curriculum Policy
The Faculty of Tourism organises a systematic curriculum that is sequential from the first year to the upper year, combining subjects that provide sensible practice with topics that aim to help students acquire a social scientific way of looking at and thinking about things for them to achieve (1) the ability to enjoy life and (2) the ability to survive in this world. The Faculty conducts classes with the appropriate combination of interactive lectures, exercises, and practical training. The syllabus and the system of study diagram, numbering, and study model indicating the relationship between subjects and the order of study are provided for students to study.
1 Classification of subjects
The curriculum of the Faculty of Tourism consists of subjects in the following broad areas.
(1) 21st-century skills (global citizenship) training subjects (Relevant to UNWTO GCET)
1) “Basic subjects” for introductory education, and “Social education” necessary for living in modern society.
2) “Social literacy subjects” to cultivate the culture and thinking and “Language subjects” to improve communication in foreign languages.
3) The “Basic subjects” consist of academic written and oral expression skills, ICT utilisation skills, and the ability to act independently and self-manage.
(2) Subjects for developing the ability to enjoy oneself (Ability of Tourists) (Relevant to UNWTO GCET)
1) These subjects consist of “Basic Subjects with skills to enjoy oneself,” train essential perspectives related to people’s ability to enjoy themselves, and “Appreciation, creation, and practice of cultures subjects” implement appreciation, creation and exchange in the scene of tourism.
(3) Subjects for cultivating the ability to survive (Vocational skills for tourism) (Relevant to UNWTO GCET and SDGs)
1) The subjects consist of the following subjects: “Practical regional subjects” and “Practical vocational subjects” conducted in cooperation with local communities and enterprises, “Basic subjects for survival ability” to cultivate an essential awareness to work in a service society and to consider how to work, “Basic tourism subjects” to acquire basic academic knowledge in tourism studies, and “Specialised tourism subjects” to study specialised fields systematically.
2) “Specialised tourism subjects” consist of the following subjects: “Tourism space creation subjects” in which students acquire the academic knowledge and aesthetic sensitivity necessary to create attractive tourism spaces, learn about the process of bringing many stakeholders to consensus, and experience basic practices.
In “Tourism business development subjects,” students learn about the planning, management, and new challenges of tourism business entities that support tourism actions.
“Tourism network subjects” are related to the physical move of tourists and the distribution of information.
And the “Specialised Practical Subjects (Seminar or Studios)” consist of “Practical subjects in the third and fourth years”.
(4) License-related subjects
1) They consist of subjects related to high school teaching license and other licenses.
(5) Optional subjects
2) They consist of remedial subjects, which are not included in the graduation requirements.
2. Course Registration Policy
The 2022 curriculum adopts the policy of having students take the” Basic subjects”,” Social literacy subjects”, and” Basic tourism subjects” first, and then taking the “Specialised tourism subjects” in stages, so that the students can systematically take specialist areas of tourism in stages while developing the basic skills and thinking attitudes necessary in modern society.
3. Educational methods (Relevant to SDGs)
(1) All subjects incorporate active learning to realise independent, interactive, and deep learning.
(2) The Faculty provides lectures in cooperation with local communities, society, and businesses for students to acquire knowledge and skills that can be used in the real world and become aware of their role as members of society.
(3) The Faculty promotes learning outside class time in all classes to establish independent learning.
(4) The Faculty systematically manages the subject outlines, aims, and achievement objectives in the syllabus to realise classes linked to the curriculum map.
(5) For subjects offered in multiple classes, the Faculty staff members make efforts to collaborate in the design of classes and the preparation of teaching materials to improve the quality of the classes.
4. Evaluation methods (Relevant to SDGs)
(1) The Faculty clarifies the evaluation criteria in a concrete and multifaceted manner in the syllabus of class subjects and carries out rigorous grading to promote student growth.
(2) The Faculty introduces evaluation methods that correspond to the achievement objectives of the classes and aims to improve educational processes and make grading more rigorous.
(3) The Faculty evaluates the achievement status of the qualities and abilities indicated in the Diploma Policy utilizing surveys of student achievement, graduation theses, graduation research products, and others.
5. Check and evaluation of the curriculum
The Faculty checks and evaluates the curriculum every year in terms of course completion and learning outcomes, based on the view point of quality assurance.
Please look here for details.
UNAI Principles: 3, 4, 5, 9, 10.
SDGs: 4, 5, 8, 9, 12, 14, 15.
UNWTO GCET: 1, 3, 7.
Osaka University of Tourism 10: I, III, IV, X.
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