The 25th Anniversary Symposium of the Faculty of Environment and Human Science
The 25th Anniversary Symposium was held in conjunction with the Food Future Extension Course, run by the Food Environment and Nutrition Course of the Faculty of Environment and Human Science.
Dean Yoshimura gave a lecture entitled ’25th Anniversary of the Faculty of Environment and Human Science, Education and Research for achieving SDGs’.
She stated, ‘Based on the faculty policy, we aim to achieve the SDGs for the next 100 years. I would like to ask for your continuing support as we seek to transform our education, research, and social contributions for the future of the faculty”.
Professor Toshie Akamatsu of Ochanomizu University gave a keynote lecture ‘The Earth and Our Health from the Perspective of Food’, in which she discussed the quality of diet and our contribution that is both good for our planet and health.
Professor Akamatsu opened her lecture by, “As a dietitian and expert in behavioural change, in recent years when giving dietary advice environmental issues must be put into consideration. Thus, for the past five years, I have been conducting my research while also incorporating the environmental issues”.
She also highlighted while it is recommended to eat without leftovers, there is a large number of leftovers in the food service industry due to overly served portions at restaurants. Also, the difficulty of maintaining an appropriate diet while eating out, indicates restaurants should learn more about the SDGs.
Consumers need to voice their opinions too, for establishing an environment in which restaurants serve the right amount of food.
Professor Mikiko Ito of the Faculty of Environment and Human Science gave a closing remark. “The relationship between daily diet and health has also been deeply discussed in the Food Future Extension Course. In addition, the symposium brought us a new perspective on the correlation and the impact our daily diet has on the environment.”
The Food Future Extension Course holds a lecture annually, and we hope for your attendance.
See further details ‘The 25th Anniversary Symposium of the Faculty of Environment and Human Science‘(Japanese)
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