Students from Nagaoka Junior High School visited to study SDGs (2019.9.24-25)
On Tuesday, September 24, 25 third-grade students of Nagaoka Junior High School Attached to Faculty of Education, Niigata University, visited Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT).
Under the designation of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's R&D School, the school conducts classes in the new field of "Life" to develop the connections between various lives and to develop the qualities and abilities of realizing a safe society that is the foundation of life.
Three-grade students look back on their three-year study of “Life”, and learn about SDGs in order to link problems around the globe with their own lives and to become aware of their responsibility as the human resources who will play a role in the future.
Many of the students who studied the SDGs efforts of businesses and universities realized a visit to NUT because they cited NUT, which was appointed as the UN Academic Impact SDGs Hub University, as a destination to visit.
On the day of the meeting, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Takahashi, Presidential Aide (Public Relations for SDGs), and Dr. Katsumi, Project Coordinator, explained the efforts on the SDGs of NUT by answering questions received from the students of the school in advance, such as "Why does NUT make all-out efforts to tackle the SDGs?", "What activities and researches are being carried out on SDG6 (water resources)?" and "What are the most effective measures for food loss?"
The students also visited the "Future Technology to Achieve SDGs," a rotating exhibition held at the Techno-Museum, to deepen their understanding of NUT's awareness-raising activities and the results of our research to achieve SDGs.
NUT will continue to work with local educational institutions to promote SDGs awareness.
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