The 4th Panel on GIGAKU Education was held (2020.1.31)
In 2019, NUT established “GIGAKU SDG Network” that is an expansion of “GIGAKU SDG Institute / UNESCO Chair on Engineering Education for Sustainable Development” together with founding member of 9 institutes in 6 countries.
This “GIGAKU SDG Network” is a worldwide network of universities and higher education institutions for engineering education program which based on SDGs problem-solving and practical engineering education. Founding members of the network are currently applying to “UNITWIN.”
As an annual meeting for founding members, we held “The 4th Panel on GIGAKU Education” on 31st January (Fri) at Center for Multimedia system for the first time after application.
In this meeting, after the opening remarks delivered by President Dr. Azuma, Prof. Yukawa / Vice President (International Relations and Information Technologies) explained the initiative of “GIGAKU SDG Network.” Then we confirmed Bylaw of network and each member’s progress of Credos. This meeting gave us the active discussion for global engineering education program that members are aiming for. In addition, the agenda and methods for solving the problem were proposed during the meeting.
In the future, we ensure the quality of GIGAKU education based on SDGs problem-solving and practical engineering education and promote expansion of GIGAKU education in the world together with founding member who share basic principles of engineering education.
<GIGAKU SDG Network founding member>
・Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST), Hanoi, Vietnam
・Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM), Chennai, India
・Mondragon University (MU), Mondragon, Spain
・Mongolian University of Science and Technology (MUST), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
・Nagaoka University of Technology (NUT), Nagaoka, Japan
・National Institute of Technology (NIT), Tokyo, Japan
・National Institute of Technology, Fukushima College (NITFC), Fukushima, Japan
・New Mongol College of Technology (NMCT/NMK), Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
・University of Deusto (UD), Bilbao, Spain ・University of Guanajuato (UG), Guanajuato, Mexico
・Western Digital (Thailand) Co., Ltd.
GIGAKU SDG Institute https://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/e/tgu/UNESCO_GSI/index.html
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