“Online Mystery-Solving SDG Unification Game” Event Held on Campus
In order to raise awareness of the SDGs towards companies, educators, and citizens, Nagaoka University of Technology provides educational SDGs-based materials and games developed by our students free of charge. These include SDG Question Card and SDG Dice.
Recently, we held our first event using the “Online Mystery-Solving SDG Unification Game (in Japanese and English),” which has just been developed by the Office for SDGs Promotion, Student SDGs Promoters, and in cooperation with CoSTEP14 student volunteers* from Hokkaido University.
The game is a Mystery-Solving game in which teams of four work together to find the answers to clues based on given hints, with a Student SDGs Promoter acting as gamemaster. It is designed to help people have fun while thinking about the 17 goals of the SDGs, and it also has a team-building aspect.
Game events will be held on an occasional basis (location: online & on-site; languages: Japanese & English). Please visit the following website if you are interested.
SDG educational games developed by Nagaoka University of Technology
* Hokkaido University CoSTEP
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